British Columbia "Rocks to
Riches" Program
The "MineMatch Geochemistry"
In the first week of July 2003, the
BC and Yukon Chamber of Mines announced that Georeference Online Ltd's "MineMatch
Geochemistry" Project had been approved by the BC government's "Rocks
to Riches" Program Committee.
The purpose of the project is to
provide, in an easy-to-use format, new evidence of potentially economic
mineralisation in British Columbia, obtained by using MineMatch
Mineral Deposit Models to interrogate the broad coverage of stream sediment geochemical data
existing for the province.
Internet-accessible maps and supporting documentation delivered by the
project are intended to be of immediate value to exploration licence-holders
in BC, as well as those looking for new targets in the province.
The project is
also intended to to serve as an example to potential explorers in BC
how, by investing in a province with an unsurpassed wealth of
high-quality, well-maintained base geological data, they can gain
maximum leverage on their exploration dollars.
The results of the the "MineMatch
Geochemistry" project may be viewed by clicking