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MineMatch® is a computer program which assists geologists to formally document and compare exploration prospects, mineral deposits and mineral deposit models.  

MineMatch-generated comparisons help geologists, analysts and investors to make better investment decisions.

MineMatch saves time, aids accuracy, and is an essential tool in any "due diligence" investigation.

MineMatch Version 4, released in April 2005, includes the new Micronex Taxonomy of Minerals, as well as definitions of all rocks in the BGS
Rock Classification System

NEWS:  Monday, 23 January, 2006  Free-use version of MineMatch® Online released by Georeference Online Ltd. (See link below)

Monday, 22 November, 2004:  The  www.YukonMineralTargets.com website is released to public viewing.  The site presents exploration targets picked by Georeference Online Ltd, and described and classified using the MineMatch system.

MineMatch is being used in the British Columbia "Rocks to Riches" project.  More ...

MineMatch Online is an Internet version of MineMatch which is available for use free-of-charge.  Use it without loading any software onto your computer!  Get PDF output of results - invaluable appendices for technical reports.

The desktop version of MineMatch® is available as a free trial download for Windows XP, 2000, Windows Me and Windows 98.   However, with the availability of MineMatch Online, this version of MineMatch is no longer supported. MineMatch® licences used to be sold for Canadian $1500 (~US$1200) per installation from this page on the web site. With the release of the Online version of MineMatch®, this version is no longer supported.
       link to the MODSquad
        link to Animated Tutorial
    link to System Documentation

Click HERE to upgrade to Version 3.1.3

Georeference Online Ltd is a sponsor of the Data Metallogenica (DM) project.  DM photographs, like MineMatchTM descriptions, greatly assist in the recognition of important similarities and differences between mineral deposits. Click here for more on using these resources together, and for a list of deposits which are both described in MineMatch® and photographed on DM.
To view a PowerPoint presentation on the features of MineMatchTM, please follow this hyperlink.
To read about how MineMatchTM manages relationships between mineralisation, alteration, weathering, deposit zones and rock types, please follow this hyperlink.
To view expected grade/tonnage distributions for different deposit types, as estimated by the US Geological Survey, please examine these plots, specially laid out by Georeference Online Ltd to aid comparisons between deposit types. [Ref: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-096]
To view 70 large European mineral deposits described, classified*, and compared using MineMatch®, click on this hyperlink.
[* MineMatch provides ranked classifications, based on the information in MineMatch descriptions.  These descriptions may not be complete, and hence the rankings may not be the most accurate possible.  They are, however, usually highly informative, and useful to those interested in the similarities and differences between mineral deposits.]
To view the geographic distribution of some mines in the knowledgebase provided with MineMatch®, please examine this map.  Clicking on the mines themselves will yield a Semantic Network diagram of the knowledge-base description of the mine. (See notes on the map page for details.)
To view a pamphlet describing MineMatch®, please follow this hyperlink.
To download a fully functional 15-day Trial Version of MineMatch®, please follow this hyperlink.
Click here to to view the categories and hierarchies of geological "settings" which are recognised by MineMatch.  Researchers in the Geological Survey of Canada and the USGS are currently developing more formal standard classification systems for geological settings, which, if appropriate, will be adopted by MineMatch.    The "MOD Squad" web site (see button on left) tracks developments in this regard.
Also on display is the BGS Rock Classification hierarchy (1.3Mb, slow on a telephone line, but worth the wait).  This classification system, and many others, can be downloaded from the Georeference Online Ltd TreeList Editor site in a compact form.

Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to
Copyright © 2004 [Georeference Online Ltd]. All rights reserved.
Last modified: 03/29/08.